Saturday, February 25, 2012

Conditional Font Weight

I need to conditionally set the font weight of my data when a calculation is equal to or less than 70. I am using the following expression in the font weight property:
=iif(( Fields!Answer1.Value/ Fields!SumStudents.Value)*100 <=70, "Extra Bold", "Normal")
I get no errors when I run my report, however it does not apply the correct weith to my display. I am positive the calculation is correct since I use it in other conditions and they work fine.
Any help would be apreciated.Extra Bold maps to 800. You can check this by placing a textbox on the
design surface and setting the Font Weight to Extra Bold. Next open the code
view for the report and check the value serialized for the textbox font
=iif(( Fields!Answer1.Value/ Fields!SumStudents.Value)*100
<=70, "800", "Normal")
Bruce Johnson [MSFT]
Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
"CarrieWells" <> wrote in message
> I need to conditionally set the font weight of my data when a calculation
is equal to or less than 70. I am using the following expression in the font
weight property:
> =iif(( Fields!Answer1.Value/ Fields!SumStudents.Value)*100 <=70, "Extra
Bold", "Normal")
> =iif(Fields!Quantity.Value > 10, "Normal", "Bold")
> I get no errors when I run my report, however it does not apply the
correct weith to my display. I am positive the calculation is correct since
I use it in other conditions and they work fine.
> Any help would be apreciated.

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