Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Conditional formating in Subtotals?

I have subtotals in a matrix and I want to format the background color depending on the subtotal value - > 95 = "Green", < 95 > 90 = "Yellow", < 90 = "Red". I go to the Subtotal properties and put the iif expression in the background color, but it's not detecting the Subtotal value. How do I refer to the Subtotal value in a formating expression?

You have to put the background color expression directly on the matrix cell, similar to the approach described in this thread:

-- Robert

|||That didn't work. I copied the example from the post and I set a different color for each of the three results. It set all the cells as "In Subtotal of entire matrix" color. The odd thing is, I also have a background image which shows up correctly in the preview, but the image doesn't show up when I render the report from a browser.|||

if you are doing alot of testing, make sure to refresh the report in the browser from the view to the print view. I have found that SSRS cache's data and unless a refresh is done it can still show previous view data.


|||We need more information.

an iif statement will work, how are you computing the subtotals, is it in a group footer? if so something like

=iif( sum(fields!field.value) < Number, "Green", "Yellow")

should work...|||

Yes, I created the subtotals by right-clicking the row cell of the outer-most group and selecting 'subtotals'. The problem with the simple iif... is that it affects all the cells - not just the subtotals.

I did find out why my background image wasn't showing in the subtotals, if you set a background color in the Subtotal properties, it will overlay the background image from the cell properties.

|||I think the InScope solution may be the key to my problem, but for some reason, it isn't detecting the scope. Any ideas on what I've done wrong?|||

Robert was right. The InScope works, but I needed to add the matrix name and underscore to the row and columns group names since I had more than one matrix in the report.

Thanks Robert!

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