Thursday, March 22, 2012

confident of data mining

in associate rule, there's confident and support or probabilty values. but i use sql 2000, no support associate rule so i create a model with Microsoft _decision _tree to predict other products when customer choose product in superMarket






is it have confident or support values. what value of it? how can i change the minimum_support and minimum_probabilty ? it can use in Microsoft _ decision tree.


In the decision trees model, you could filter the prediction results by probability and obtain pretty much the same effect as in association rules.

To some extent, I think the minimum support from association rules can be modeled with the MINIMUM_LEAF_CASES parameter of the decision trees algorithm.

The difference comes from the "greedy" behavior of DT.

Assuming, in Association Rules, a minimum support of 10 and exactly 11 transaction including milk, beer and chips, a rule could be found like below:


Decision trees with a MINIMUM_LEAF_CASES of 10 will pick the most significant attribute ( in this case, either one of MILK and BEER, say MILK) and split on that attribute. After the split, there are not necessarily sufficient cases to support a new split on the second attribute (BEER), so the rule may be simpler:


Hope this helps

|||thanks, but i want ask default value of support value? what's it? and how i can modeled the MINIMUM_LEAF_CASES in decision trees algorithm ( i use interface not write code)|||I believe the default is 10. You can set parameters using the advanced properties of the mining model in the designer. Alternatively, I wrote (a long time ago) an addin for Analysis Manager that provides a UI for setting parameters in SQL 2000 data mining similar to that in SQL 2005. You can still get this addin here:|||

thanks. i was try in advanced properties but fields is grey so i cant's modify.

10 is support. how about confident? has it?

i use link to get an addin you said, but it error.

so i haven't try it now.


This is the direct link to the file mentioned by Jamie.

Note that it still requires creating an account on the web site.

For confidence, you should filter the query results rather than looking for an algorithm property.


i had download AddIn at

and read document that requid you must regist file dll and registry. after, right click on model dataming you want to modify param and choose menu to modify it. But i can't do. how can i registry. i tryed double click on it ( file regist and dll, copy them to root folder) but nothing work, so i still can't modify param. how?

more: confider, you say me filter in query. how can i do that? can you give me an example query


Open a command prompt, cd to the directory where the dll is and type

regsvr32 <dllname>

The .reg file should register itself when you double-click it.

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