Thursday, March 22, 2012

Config changes on SQL 2k don't stick.

We have a SQL 2k server and we are trying change the file size to
increase its self by Mbytes as opposed to percent.
But the setting won't stick. You can select it, "OK" close the config
manager and open it back up and its set back to "Percent".
Yes, I have rights and I did select OK and we booted the machine
several times.
Any help is appreciated.
1) What account are you using to make this change?
2) What release of SQL Server are you using?
3) How are you trying to implement this change (EM, QA?)
4) Are there any messages in either the SQL Server or server event
logs that suggest anything?
5) Was this database originally created on the server or was it
transferred from another server or a different version of SQL Server
(e.g. 7.0)?
On 1 Nov 2006 14:08:56 -0800, "sid" <> wrote:

>We have a SQL 2k server and we are trying change the file size to
>increase its self by Mbytes as opposed to percent.
>But the setting won't stick. You can select it, "OK" close the config
>manager and open it back up and its set back to "Percent".
>Yes, I have rights and I did select OK and we booted the machine
>several times.
>Any help is appreciated.
|||Hello, sid
A related bug is being discussed on Microsoft Connect:
sid wrote:
> We have a SQL 2k server and we are trying change the file size to
> increase its self by Mbytes as opposed to percent.
> But the setting won't stick. You can select it, "OK" close the config
> manager and open it back up and its set back to "Percent".
> Yes, I have rights and I did select OK and we booted the machine
> several times.
> Any help is appreciated.
> Thanks
> Sid.
|||sid wrote:
> We have a SQL 2k server and we are trying change the file size to
> increase its self by Mbytes as opposed to percent.
> But the setting won't stick. You can select it, "OK" close the config
> manager and open it back up and its set back to "Percent".
> Yes, I have rights and I did select OK and we booted the machine
> several times.
> Any help is appreciated.
> Thanks
> Sid.
Try setting the growth options using ALTER DATABASE instead of the GUI...
Tracy McKibben
|||We did find that on one of our test servers we were experiencing the
same problem that we could make the change stick through the GUI by
just selecting the "growth by Mbytes" and not changing the amount
setting away from "1 meg" until after a boot. It just shouldn't be that
way ...
We'll try it on the live server today.
I'll try the "Alter " command next.
Tracy McKibben wrote:
> sid wrote:
> Try setting the growth options using ALTER DATABASE instead of the GUI...
> --
> Tracy McKibben

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