Sunday, March 25, 2012

config file contents and deployement

Hi all,

I have few config files with db passwords in them. I have to change passwords daily into that(as my system is in UAT phase now). I have deployed my packages on SQL Server.

My question is , do I need to deploy my packages daily after password updation, or it'll automatically taken care by the SQL Server ?

Thanks in Advance


If you are using package configuration files, you should be able to modify just the config file, and not have to re-deploy the packages.|||

thanks for ur response John !!

Can you please tell me how internally it works so that i can have a better picture ?



The topic "Package Configurations" in Books Online explains it much better than I can Smile

Basically, configurations allow you to store settings for your package outside of the pacakge (in a file, a database, env. variables, etc.). At runtime, the package reads the configurations when it first starts up, and uses the values specified in the configuration when it is executing. You can set connection strings, variable values, task properties, and more through configuration.

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